Please let us know, within30 daysof the delivery date represented in your tracking information, if you did not receive your merchandise, or if you are missing merchandise. If you do not report this within30 days, we will not be able to issue you a refund.

Please refer to our return policy at

Once we receive your mailed return and accepted it, we’ll process your credit immediately. If you’ve provided us with an email address, we’ll email you once your return has been received and your credit has been processed.

Note: Your credited refund may take a few days to reflect on your account, depending on your bank’s processing time.

We apologize if your item arrived damaged, broken, or defective.

If you need assistance with this issue please contact us at You can also return your purchase by mail –for more info on returns, here’s our

Please log in to your account on the website to change your password. For your protection, remember to change your password frequently.

  • Use complex characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters
  • It is recommended that your password be 7-16 characters and can include specials characters, except for the following: ( . , - | \ / = _ ) or spaces

The total of the charges for all the shipments will be equal to the total for the entire order.